Whoa! 2022 starts out in the most challenging way.

It’s only mid-January and already 2022 has been A LOT! Whether you have Covid, are in isolation or trying to do your grocery shopping with ongoing distribution issues it seems that everyone is being impacted by the ongoing pandemic. Here are some tips for when you can’t lay you hands on fresh produce.

My family and I have been in isolation with two members contracting the dreaded virus. Its been hard to get motivated to do anything when you’re sitting around analysing every minor headache and sneeze. What is even harder has been the troubles with our food supply chain. Orders for groceries can take days to arrive and many items just aren’t available at all. So, what to do in lieu of fresh fruits, vegetables and meats.

The answer lies in the canned food aisle. Canning is a food preservation technique which keeps food safe and nutritious. Canned foods can last in your pantry for a long time and are very handy in times of scarcity. Here are some top tips to ensure that you are making the best choices when selecting cans or jars: 1) look for no added salt and sugar on the can; 2) avoid artificial preservatives; and 3) choose fruit in juice rather than a syrup. You can buy all kinds of fruit and vegetables and don’t forget pulses like lentils and chickpeas. Canned fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines are nutritionally sound and provide plenty of protein. The brands pictured above are not an endorsement, just a selection that I pulled off the panty shelf to show a variety of canned and jarred goods that can substitute for our beloved fresh favourites.

Take care



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