The importance of physical activity in young people.

It has been great to see community sport back in full swing this year. It is so important for all of us to move our bodies every day and we can help set healthy habits with young people by encouraging participation in sport.

Being active provides health, social, emotional and intellectual benefits for children and teenagers. It can lower the risk of non-communicable disease, strengthen muscles and bones, lower risk of weight gain and improve teamwork skills and self-esteem.

The last two years have affected all of us and for young people in sport it has been particularly impactful.  Vic Health and Sport and Recreation Victoria have conducted some initial research on community sporting teams between 2019 and 2020 and found that there was significant reduction in participation across both males and females during COVID. Parents, teachers, coaches and community sporting associations are all working hard to turn this around.

The current Australian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that kids get 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day; and on at least 3 days per week these activities should involve muscle and bone strengthening exercise.

Nutrition counseling is not solely about food. I can help with plans to help achieve physical activity goals and reduce those sedentary behaviours!

Take care



Study snacks


Whoa! 2022 starts out in the most challenging way.