
At Thrive Family Nutrition we are excited to help you meet your healthy eating goals.

Study snacks
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Study snacks

Make sure snacks are easily accessible and ready-made so the kids don’t have to put any brain power into decision making around food

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The importance of physical activity in young people.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

The importance of physical activity in young people.

It has been great to see community sport back in full swing this year. It is so important for all of us to move our bodies every day and we can help set healthy habits with young people by encouraging participation in sport.
Being active provides health, social, emotional and intellectual benefits for young people. It can lower the risk of non-communicable disease, strengthen muscles and bones, lower risk of weight gain and improve teamwork skills and self-esteem.

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Whoa! 2022 starts out in the most challenging way.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Whoa! 2022 starts out in the most challenging way.

It’s only mid-January and already 2022 has been A LOT! Whether you have Covid, are in isolation or trying to do your grocery shopping with ongoing distribution issues, everyone is being impacted by the ongoing pandemic. Here are some tips for when you can’t lay you hands on fresh produce.

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This one is for the ladies.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

This one is for the ladies.

Perimenopause and menopause bring about some fairly significant changes for the female body. This transition can be helped by understanding your body and what you can do to help ease the way through this period.

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Homemade pickle power.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Homemade pickle power.

Got some left over veg in the fridge? Want to reduce waste and make a healthy and tasty snack? Homemade pickles can help with that.

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Change can be complicated.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Change can be complicated.

Changing your health behaviours can be complicated. Capability, opportunity and motivation all interact to influence your behaviour.

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Spring goodies.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Spring goodies.

Spring brings with it so many seasonal goodies. This bright salad is pleasing to the eye as well as the tummy.

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Strength matters.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Strength matters.

You can influence your body composition and improve health outcomes as you age. Here are three factors that can help.

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We’ve gone a bit nutty.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

We’ve gone a bit nutty.

Peanuts are a excellent source of protein and antioxidants not to mention B group Vitamins, folate and minerals. So, this week I have been working on a homemade peanut butter

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Roast chicken on the BBQ.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Roast chicken on the BBQ.

Outdoor cooking is one of life’s great joys. Spring is just around the corner and as the weather heats up, I thought that it would be appropriate to highlight the humble roast chicken ‘outdoors’ style.

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Power Brekky
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Power Brekky

A breakfast of protein and carbohydrate to power you through your workout.

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Sushi at home.
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Sushi at home.

Homemade sushi is a fun family activity and provides lots of vitamins and minerals.

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Keen for Quinoa?
Kirsty Baird Kirsty Baird

Keen for Quinoa?

Keen for quinoa? I certainly am. This week’s recipe is a great one for quinoa lovers and those of you who are interested in trying a new grain.

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